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Currently (3) Beds Available

-The Burdens Down Project-

All Encompassing...All Loving...Burdens Down

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Man Camp

Currently (48) Slots Available

What is Man Camp?

Our Man Camp project is a leadership enhancement & mentoring program designed for young men, grades 3-12 to seek mental health services. Often times, issues of personal hygiene, critical thinking skills, communication, behavioral outbursts and anger go unaddressed in single parent homes. The purpose of this program is to address the needs facing young males in today's society. 

What are the Qualifications?

Man Camp was designed to assist low-income families with their young males. All low income families qualify. Proof of income or lack there of must be available upon sign up. 

How do I Sign My Child Up?

Call Our Man Camp Rep @ 901-428-8126

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Need Free Training Credits?

Click & Begin Below

Anchor 1

Online Training: Racial Sensitivity: Black vs. White (1 Credit Hour)


In lieu of the current events in our country surrounding race, the need for race awareness has peaked in recent months. This 1 hour, online-training addresses issues of race as well as offers understanding to the 'Black Perspective' in America.  Once the training is complete, you will receive a certificate of completion in your email credited for (1 Hour).


Burdens Down Back-to-School


We want the best for our children! While scientists are working around the clock to find a vaccine for covid-19, we want to make sure we do our part to prevent the spread. Support the Burdens Down Mask Drive and help sponsor low-income families with extremely efficient, high-quality face masks.

Our goal is to outfit 10,000 students in the greater East Tennessee area with top of the line, KN95 medical grade face masks. These masks are designed to block out 95% of air pollutants and help prevent the spread of Covid-19 in our school systems. Each mask costs $2.00 each and are reusable for 2-4 Weeks.


>>Donate Now<<

>>I Need Some Masks For My Children<<

>>Download Flyer<<

Mask Drive

Burdens Down Housing Program



Housing Included  I  Meals Included  I  Treatment Included  I  Job Placement

Life Skills Training  I  Fitness Included  I  Life Coaching 



Got Housing Questions???...We Have Answers

What is the 'Burdens Down' Housing Project?

The Burdens Down Project is a substance abuse program geared to meet the needs of women who are looking to get back on their feet. The goal is to provide them with a fighting chance to be successful in their recovery as well as their careers and finances. The Burdens Down team has teamed up with top-notch community agencies, Churches, Pastors, fitness centers, private counselors, job recruiters, restaurants and recovery centers to help women who are battling the grip of addiction in the greater Knoxville area.


Our goal is to not only restore women, but to help them recognize their potential and help them develop the best version of themselves possible. Through treatment, structure, consistency and love shown daily, we CAN and WILL make this happen!  


Who Can Apply?

Any woman over the age of 18 can apply for this program. Any patients who are dealing with custody issues, DCS, probation, jail, etc… are strongly encouraged to apply. There will be an interview process for each applicant. Those who are not accepted initially will be placed on a waiting list and will still receive a modified version of the program until fully accepted in.

When Does it Start?

All applicants wanting to enroll in the program should apply prior to the enrollment date(s). This will be 1st come, 1st serve to those that apply and qualify for the program.

Who Qualifies for the Program?

-Women 18 and older

-Little to Zero Income

-Non-sex offenders

-In need of or willing to participate in A & D treatment

-Its ok if you can't pass a drug test upon arrival

How Much Does this Cost?

The Burdens Down Project is privately funded and has an awesome partner base who have generously donated a wide combination of their time, resources, training, counseling services, food, memberships as well as finances to ensure the success of this program. Currently, there is a $50 entry fee that covers intake paperwork. Weekly rent as well as monthly house fees are based on one's ability to work.

How Long is the program for?

6 Months. After that, each resident will either be re-assessed for further treatment based on their need at the time. If that's the case, they may be eligible to stay another 3 months. Otherwise, they will be referred to our partnered transitional living programs who are already setup to take them in without any wait time. If the resident is court ordered, we will integrate their length of stay to keep them in compliance with any court, jail or probation requirements.

Do You Take MAT Patients? 

No. However, their are some residents who are prescribed lighter non-addictive medications that we will accept. This will be done on a case-by-case basis.  We don't judge those who are MAT Patients, we just want to make sure our houses are safe and drug free. 

Can a Resident Bring Her Children with Her to Live?

No. However, if a resident has children, we have counselors on standby to work with the family(s) while the resident is in our program. The goal is not only stabilize the resident, but also to stabilize the entire family in preparation of her return. 

Do You Have Anything For Men? 

Nope. Just women for now :)

Where are the Houses Located? 

Knoxville, TN


Apply Now

Apply for Our Housing Program


Burdens Down Network Sponsors

Special thanks to all our friends & partners of the Burden's Down Network. May God continue to bless each of your endeavors for the great work and contribution you do in the community.  

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Copyright (C) 2025 Burdens Down Project. All rights reserved


Contact Us

Mobile Rep 1 : 865-585-8585   I  Mobile Rep 2 : 865-985-1718 


P.O. Box 27251, Knoxville, TN 37927         |       STAFF

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